Em ơi! #348: Zombie Summer

Voyez-vous les zombies la?  Les zombies la et le loup garou?


I had a lovely lunch with my friend Rowan today, and complained a bit about not having time to finish this comic, which I have been working on since the 5th of July.  She was all kinds of sympathetic, and mentioned that she checks the site every Friday religiously.  So actually I had another two days to finish it…but when my homework took until 21:00 to complete and it became apparent that no running would be happening tonight, I decided just to scan it and get it over with.

The comic is real though; if Maya didn’t pull so hard on the leash when we walked out the door, we would probably not move forward.  I would just fall asleep on my feet in the doorway.  Then the cat would get out and Maya would go crazy and something tragic would happen.  The end.

Technically speaking, you’re supposed to teach the dog not to pull on the leash.  And I do try to discourage it during every other walk we go on during the day (typically two to three of them).  But at 6:15, my brain is not available to process that kind of information let alone act on it.

I had a lot to write about, but it has slipped from my mind, probably because it is so hot outside.  Oh well.  Next time, I’ll do something fun about colonialism, since that is all I read about nowadays.  Whee!

This one is getting filed under NC825.M6 L86 2011 for

Drawing.  Design.  Illustration–Special subjects (Technique, history, and collection)–Other subjects, A-Z–Monsters.

It turns out there is no specific subject heading for zombies under drawing.  However film and folklore both have zombie sub-categories.  Clearly an oversight.

I should add that this was a trial with pen and ink–the dog seems like an ideal subject since she’s furry, and I thought pen and ink might bring that out…I may need a different type of paper though.  And more practice.  We’ll see.

Okay, bedtime.

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