Em oi! #337: Adventures Underground

Two countries divided by a single language.

I am fairly certain that the trouble we experienced in London can be ascribed to the fact that, as native English speakers, we expected words to mean certain things and not other things. Unfortunately, the British don’t seem to subscribe to the same philosophy, as evidenced by their misuse of the word “Subway.”

The other reason for our problems was that many Tube stations/lines were down for maintenance on the weekend and the Monday after our arrival (we came January 2nd, a Sunday), which was apparently a national holiday. In Paris, the Metro was never closed and we could get fresh croissants within a block of our hotel. In London we ate at Indian restaurants a lot.

Classes start tomorrow! Very exciting, etc. I am recovered from my end-of-semester burn out and ready to go do something intellectual again. I wonder how long this will last.

Belated classification: PE1961.A63 L86 2011.

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