Em oi! #338: Un metier nouveau?

The tallest man in France.

We’ll file this one under:
HF1543 .L86 2011
Commerce–International economic relations–Other regions or countries–Europe–France–General works (Historical and descriptive).

Sometimes, at the end of the week I feel like curling up into a little ball and letting it all wash over me until it’s the weekend and all I have to do is easy things like run twenty-eight miles and read three thousand pages.  Walker’s new plan to totally screw anyone who works for the state of WI and is in a union is also terrific.  Le sigh.

Sorry this comic took so long.  I just had a weird block ab0ut it; eventually I didn’t even want to look at it anymore.  So yesterday I queued up an episode of “The Dog Whisperer” and just did it.  AND here it is.

Anyway, it’s a true story.  If you are wondering what old French ladies buy at the supermarket, the answer is shrimp, some kind of soft cheese, and non-alcoholic beer.  In panel two where I addressed her to make sure B was getting the right beer down, she looked very confused as to why I was speaking to her.  I don’t think she understood that he didn’t speak any French (I mean, fair’s fair, we were standing around a Carrefour in a Paris suburb).  Later at the post office a woman apologized for the weather (it was raining, hence the umbrella) and gave me a postal calendar as a souvenir.

Ok, on to new comics.  Next week perhaps we’ll catch up to what has happened in my life since we got home from Paris.